Friday, February 21, 2014

Butterfly matching Game

Got an idea of Butterfly matching after seeing in this blog.
  1. Take print out[preferably color print out] of the butterflies and cut each of them separately and again into two.
  2. Paste the left half of all the butterflies in one sheet and laminate it.
  3. Laminate the right half of the butterflies and cut each one separately. 
  4. Hot glue velcro in the back sides of right half of the butterflies.
  5. Hot glue velcro in the sheet for attaching the right half.
  6. Now its all set ready and its good busy bag idea for kids.                                                                  
  7. Its time to play!!

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Monday, February 3, 2014


Following is the tote which i sewed by following the tutorial from zaaberry blog.
Materials Required:
      Fabric - 15 *10 inches[2 pieces]
      Fabric - 15 *6 inches[2 pieces]
      Fabric for handle - 4*16 inches[2 pieces]
      Thin elastic and one button

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